This page is designed for current Key Advantage licensees seeking to transfer out of Key Advantage. This same form is used to transfer to another brokerage OR back to the state of Nevada.

Licensees seeking to transfer in should follow the steps on the prospective Key Advantage page.

NOTE: Key Advantage Realty will ONLY terminate / send the termination paperwork into the Nevada Real Estate Division Via US Mail. The brokerage will complete the transfer paperwork within 1 business day of this request form and will email the licensee a copy of the completed / mailed termination paperwork to confirm the transfer paperwork has been completed.

***Key Advantage Realty does not complete transfer paperwork in person. 

Key Advantage licensees can request their license to be returned to the Nevada Real Estate Division via US Mail through the submission of this webpage form.

Once the form below is completed, Key Advantage Realty will send the required state form 505 with the original Nevada Real Estate license to the Nevada Real Estate Division via US Mail. The licensee will be emailed a confirmation of mailing once this has been completed. The licensee will then have 30 days to complete form 504 assigned the new brokerage and submit the completed form to the Nevada Real Estate Division. NOTE: The Nevada Real Estate Division will enforce Inactive renewed penalties should the transfer not take place within 30 days. Said inactive penalties are defined within state form 544.

By submitting the form below, the licensee is requesting Key Advantage Realty to mail the license and form 505 to the Nevada Real Estate Division and understand that you must reassociate with another brokerage within 30 days to avoid additional penalties as noted on state form 544.

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