Practice without the MLS
KEEP your license on active status
You CAN practice real estate without being a member of the MLS. Associations that control the MLS are elective and are not required to hold an active real estate license. Join Key Advantage and avoid these reoccurring expenses.
Represent your client directly
Key Advantage doesn’t limit your practice. YOU CAN STILL REPRESENT You are permitted to represent your clients as long as you do so without the use of the MLS system. Key Advantage licensees use systems like www.Homes.com www.Zillow.com www.Realtor.com and other popular public real estate related information systems to assist their clients. Key has partnerships with Title companies that can provide property profiles, desktop property price evaluations and similar resources. Key Advantage can provide generic forms and other tools commonly used to practice. The brokerage also supplies resources to assist licensees with selling new homes across Nevada. See the contract and addendum to clarify commissions for current commission structure associated with representation /3PageContract.pdf
Referral your client
This information is designed to provide a further summary of referrals and the fees / commissions associated with referral fees. We have two types of referrals:
In network referrals –
This is a referral wherein the customer is referred to one of the Key subscribing licensees. Key subscribing licenses are full time practicing licensees and members of the regional MLS. The licensees have already agreed to retain 50% of the total commission per transaction. Should a transaction transpire, the licensee of record (accepting licensee) is paid 50% of the total commission, the referring licensee is paid 40% of the total commission and Key retains 10% of the total commission.
In network referrals can be facilitated through this link: /current-members/#Referrals
Out of network referrals –
This is a referral to a licensee who does not subscribe to the Key referral network. The referral licensee should negotiate the best referral fee possible. Key Advantage does not assist with out of network referral fee negotiation. Key Advantage retains 20% of any referral fee paid as a result of an out of network referral.
Use the contact form to reach out to Key Advantage with any additional questions